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Mining Guide

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Mining Guide Empty Mining Guide

Post  Aldrundir Wed Feb 27, 2008 7:24 pm

Mining guide
By Aldrundir

° Introduction
° Mining

---[1-65] Copper
---[66-125] Tin and Silver
---[126-175] Iron and Gold
---[176-245] Mithril, Dark Iron and Truesilver
---[246-300] Thorium
---[301-350] Fel Iron
---[351-375] Adamantite

° AddOns

° Introduction
Mining is an great profession to get a lot of money fast, even at low level. In this guide you will the skill and where to mine what to increase your gathering speed.
To mine you will need to buy a mining pick at the mining supplier, trade supplier or blacksmithing supplier.

° Mining
[1-65] Copper

The best places to mine copper as Alliance are:
- 13.6%, Elwynn Forest (level 1-10)
- 10.4%, Dun Morogh (level 1-10)
- 3.3%, the Draenei islands ( level 1-18 ). It's a low drop rate but there are many veins there.

Leveling this skill really shouldn't be a problem, except when you're a Night Elf. The vein spawns at the island is quite low. So you'll probably have to wait until you can go to Darkshore (level 9-20), 4.3%.

[66-125] Tin and Silver

Tin isn't really fun to level. They drop rate is quite low and you need lots of it. So try to level your skill a bit with smelting as well.
Good places are:
- 9.8%, Hillsbrad Foothills (level 20-32)
- 9.8%, Duskwood (level 19-30)
- 8.9% at a small part of Redridge Mountains (level 15-25)
Note: Silver needs a skill of 75 to mine it, and it spawn from tin veins.

[126-175] Iron and Gold

Iron feels even harder to level than tin, though you can be lucky sometimes with the drop rate.
Places to mine it are at:
- 19%, Arathi Highlands (level 30-39)
- 17.5%, the Badlands (level 35-44), good drop rate, but the veins are spread out over the whole area. So it's still hard to level it there because you have to run a lot to find a vein.
- 12.6%, Stranglethorn Vale (level 30-44) and 8.9%
- 8.9%, Alterac Mountains (level 30-40)
Note: Gold needs a skill of 155 to mine it, and it drops from iron deposits.

[176-245] Mithril, Dark Iron and Truesilver

This one isn't a real problem to level if you know where to go, it just takes quite some time to get it to 245.

- 13.3%, Badlands (level 35-44), same like Iron, the veins are spread out over the whole area. So it's still hard to level there because you have to run a lot to find a vein.
- 10.9%, The Hinterlands (level 40-51)
- 9.7%, Searing Gorge (level 43-49), the only problem is that there almost aren't any veins around. I wouldn't recommend you this place to go to. But you'll find some while questing for sure.
- 7.7%, Tanaris (level 40-50), southwest/southeast is a véry good place to find Mithril. It's covered with it.
- 5.7%, Burning Steppes (level 50-57), quite the same problem as Searing Gorge. Not too many veins around in general.

Dark Iron:
- 36.7%, Burning Steppes (level 50-57), altough the amount of veins in the area is quite low.
- 28.7%, Searing Gorge (level 43-40), altough the amount of veins in the area is quite low.

Note: Truesilver needs a skill of 230 to mine it, and it spawns from mithril deposits.

[246-300] Thorium

The final step before going to Outland. Perhaps also the worst step as well because there are always many people looking for thorium + you really need a lot of thorium to get it to 300.

Small Thorium:
- 20.8%, Un'Goro Crater (level 48-55)
- 19.7%, Burning Steppes (level 50-57), altough the amount of veins in the area is quite low.
- 8.9%, Felwood (level 48-55)
- 8.2%, Eastern Plaguelands (level 53-60)
- 8.2%, Silithus (level 54-60)
- 7.5%, Blasted Lands (level 45-55)
- ...

When you see that Small Thorium is getting green, you can go for Rich Thorium that requires a higher skill and it will give you a lot more ores.

Rich Thorium:

- 26.5%, Eastern Plaguelands (level 53-60)
- 22.6%, Burning Steppes (level 50-57), altough the amount of veins in the area is quite low.
- 20.4%, Winterspring (level 53-59)
- 16.8%, Un'goro Crater (level 48-55)

[301-350] Fel Iron

You can only find Fel Iron and Adamanitite in Outland. You really need a skill of 300 to be able to increase your skill at the mining trainer in Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula.

- 38.3%, Hellfire Peninsula, there's like a vein every centimeter. Best spawn you'll ever find.
- 18.7%, Nagrand
- 13%, Terokkar Forest
- 12%, Zangarmarsh
- 8%, Shadowmoon Valley
- 6.2%, Netherstorm
- 3.9%, Blade's Edge Mountains

[351-375] Adamantite

Just like Thorium you've got a normal deposit and a rich one. The rich ones are available at a higher skill level, just try to find them as soon as the normal adamantite starts getting green.

- 31.8%, Nagrand
- 19.8%, Terokkar Forest
- 11%, Blade's Edge Mountains
- 10.4%, Netherstorm
- 7.9%, Shadowmoon Valley
- 7.5%, Zangarmarsh

Rich Adamantite:
- 51.2%, Nagrand
- 15.3%, Netherstorm
- 14.5%, Shadowmoon Valley
- 6.9%, Terokkar Forest
- 1.8%, Blade's Edge Mountains

° AddOns

A great AddOn for mining is "Gatherer". When you mine a vein, it will stay on your worldmap, and it will even appear on your minimap when you're in a certain range. This way you can see where the most veins will drop. You can sent your own vein notes to some other player, and vice versa.

Good luck with the mining. It's hard to level sometimes, but you'll get a money explosion when you do it right. Try to keep it up while leveling as well, so you don't have to spend hours to get it to 300 to go to outland.


Number of posts : 30
Age : 34
Location : Belgium
Registration date : 2008-02-24

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